Jobs and employment
During the construction period and in the operational phase thereafter, the Matmut ATLANTIQUE is a vector at a local level for numerous socio-economic benefits and contributes to the development of the Bordeaux territory.
The Matmut ATLANTIQUE’s charter for insertion is the first major commitment towards training and employment through the project. Signed by the Mayor of Bordeaux February last, it contractually commits the firm of Stade Bordeaux Atlantique and the construction group VINCI-FAYAT to 63,000 hours of professional insertion during the structure’s construction, the equivalent of 35 full time jobs divided amongst a hundred employees. These insertion hours are accompanied by 8,300 hours of training distributed before or in parallel to the actual work hours on the site.
This professional insertion plan is applied in partnership with various local and national players: the Plan Local pour l’Insertion et l’Emploi (PLIE), Pôle Emploi (North Bordeaux agency along with the Lormont platform), VINCI Insertion Emploi (ViE), the Association National pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes (AFPA Pessac) and Constructys. These different entities take part in the information and recruiting process at various stages according to their field of competence in order to insure the achievement of the fixed objectives.
The insertion and recruiting policies give a clear priority to qualifying contracts, and those leading to a diploma, in view of a durable integration within the different companies present on the site. Throughout their training, the employees are accompanied by a new tool developed by ViE and tested for the first time on the Matmut Atlantique’s construction site: the competencies booklet. It allows the employee de validate the acquisition of soft skills and know-how to increase the value of the acquired experience and consequently lay claim to a higher qualified position.
These successive hirings started at the beginning of 2013 and will continue until the end of 2014 for the construction phase. They present themselves in various forms: alternating training, apprenticeship via professionalization contracts,“insertion interim”, CDD (contracts of determined duration), CDI (contracts of indefinite duration). The sought after trades are heterogeneous and cover a wid spectrum of competencies: mason, general laborers, foreman, administrative assistant, logistics assistant, crane operator, eletricians, assistant plumbers, painters, plasterers, drywall workers, tilers, formworkers…
Besides its commitment to direct insertion, the construction group contributes as well to the economic development of external insertion structures through economic activity by using subcontracting. This is notably the case of the insertion company “Inser’Net“ which is in charge of cleaning the site’s offices and general quarters.